white sage bundle

White Sage Bundle

$7.50 USD

Introducing the White Sage Bundle: A Sacred and Aromatic Tool for Spiritual Cleansing What is White Sage? White sage, also known as Salvia apiana, is a shrub that is native to the southwestern United States and northern Mexico. It is commonly found in California and other desert regions, particularly on the slopes of coastal sage shrub regions. This evergreen plant has leaves covered in hair that release aromas and oils when rubbed, burned, or steeped. What are White Sage Bundles? White sage is often sold in small dried bundles, which are the most commonly seen form of the plant. These...

Categories: Pipes & Gifts

Introducing the White Sage Bundle: A Sacred and Aromatic Tool for Spiritual Cleansing

What is White Sage?

White sage, also known as Salvia apiana, is a shrub that is native to the southwestern United States and northern Mexico. It is commonly found in California and other desert regions, particularly on the slopes of coastal sage shrub regions. This evergreen plant has leaves covered in hair that release aromas and oils when rubbed, burned, or steeped.

What are White Sage Bundles?

White sage is often sold in small dried bundles, which are the most commonly seen form of the plant. These bundles are created by wrapping the leaves of the plant into a tight bundle and tying them together with string. The dried bundle has a more traditional or spiritual application and is burned for its aroma and as a tool in 'scrubbing' a home or area of bad energy or spirits.

How to Use White Sage Bundles?

Using a white sage bundle is a simple process. Light the end of the bundle with a match or lighter and allow it to burn for a few seconds. Once the flame has died down, blow on the embers to produce fragrant smoke. Walk around your home or space while holding the burning bundle and allow the smoke to reach all areas, particularly corners, and doorways. The smoke will purify the air and release negative energy or spirits, leaving the area feeling refreshed and cleansed.

The Benefits of White Sage Bundles

White sage has been used for centuries by indigenous peoples for its healing properties and as a tool for spiritual cleansing. Burning the dried leaves of the plant is believed to release negative ions, which are known to purify the air and neutralize positive ions produced by electronic devices. The aroma produced by the smoke is also said to have a calming effect and promote relaxation, making it an ideal tool for meditation and spiritual practices.


The white sage bundle is a sacred and aromatic tool for spiritual cleansing that has been used for centuries. Its powerful healing properties and calming aroma make it an ideal tool for meditation, spiritual practices, and cleansing your home or space of negative energy or spirits. Try incorporating the white sage bundle into your daily routine and experience its many benefits for yourself.