zimpo incense pack

Zimpo Incense Pack

$15.00 USD

Zimpo Incense Pack: Experience the Pure Aroma of Himalayan Herbs Overview Zimpo Flower incense is a premium quality Tibetan incense pack, carefully prepared by hand from 25 herbal ingredients. This natural incense is made following the Tibetan Scriptural text and the instructions of Doctor Pasang Yonten, using rare herbs that grow naturally in the Himalayas. Ingredients The Zimpo Incense Pack contains only the finest quality natural ingredients. These include rare herbs such as saffron, nagi, and other Himalayan herbs that are carefully collected and shade-dried to preserve their natural scent and quality. Fragrance Zimpo Flower incense has a unique fragrance...

Categories: Incense

Zimpo Incense Pack: Experience the Pure Aroma of Himalayan Herbs


Zimpo Flower incense is a premium quality Tibetan incense pack, carefully prepared by hand from 25 herbal ingredients. This natural incense is made following the Tibetan Scriptural text and the instructions of Doctor Pasang Yonten, using rare herbs that grow naturally in the Himalayas.


The Zimpo Incense Pack contains only the finest quality natural ingredients. These include rare herbs such as saffron, nagi, and other Himalayan herbs that are carefully collected and shade-dried to preserve their natural scent and quality.


Zimpo Flower incense has a unique fragrance that is both calming and invigorating. The scent of the Himalayan herbs will transport you to the serene and peaceful mountainside, allowing you to experience the pure aroma of nature.


Each incense stick in the Zimpo Incense Pack is carefully handcrafted, ensuring that every stick is of the highest quality. The preparation process is done by hand following the traditional Tibetan method, making each incense stick unique and special.

Natural and Chemical-Free

Zimpo Flower incense is entirely natural and free from any synthetic substances. The incense sticks are handcrafted using only natural ingredients, making them a safe and healthy option for your home or meditation practice.


The Zimpo Incense Pack is perfect for use during meditation, yoga, or any other mindfulness practice. It can also be used to create a relaxing and peaceful atmosphere in your home or office.


If you're looking for a premium quality incense pack that is natural, chemical-free, and handcrafted with care, the Zimpo Incense Pack is the perfect choice. With its unique fragrance and calming properties, it's sure to become a favorite in your home or meditation practice.